The following is a list of links that may be of interest to those seeking information or resources about sexual addiction and recovery. Dr. Patrick Carnes' web site, with information and references on sex addiction. The website of Robert Weiss, Dr. Schneider's co-author of Untangling the Web. It gives information on sex addiction and describes his treatment program for sex addiction, located in Los Angeles. The website of the Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (formerly National Council on Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity). It contains basic information about sex addiction, position papers, and a list, by state, of therapists and counselors who are knowledgeable about sex addiction. Link to Brenda Schaeffer, author of Is it Love or Is It Addiction?
The following is a list of links about my family’s work. This website describes the modern opera/musical “Lost,” composed by my daughter Jessica Grace Wing, who died in 2003 of colon cancer. This award-winning musical was produced in New York City weeks after her death, and again in Tucson AZ some years later. At the website you can listen to the music, watch some scenes, and learn about the composer and playwright. The music and score of this awesome musical are available for new productions. Contact me. Other websites below will provide more information about my daughter. My son Ben's website Memorial website for my daughter Jessica Jessica's website, created by her, with links to some of her music

The Arab Mind by Raphael Patai
My father, Raphael Patai, was a cultural anthropologist, specializing in the Middle East and Jewish History. A prolific author, some of his books are still very relevant to the current Middle East situation. One example is the book The Arab Mind. First published in 1973, it was revised in 1983 and reprinted in 2001 with a new Forward by a military officer describing its role in understanding the post-9/11 world. Here's the first review I came across on amazon:
D.J. Epright, 12/25/04:
I took this book to Baghdad for my military assignment and left it there with friends who continue to use it to help inform their experiences. The book helped me understand what I was seeing with my own eyes and helped me avoid mis-steps that probably would have been misinterpreted. The book rang true with my experiences and helped me understand the Iraqi people, who I found to be generally good and noble. This books is not the be-all and end-all for Arab cultural understanding, but it seems to be an excellent jumping-off point. Westerners in Iraq "got points" from the Iraqis by merely TRYING to understand their culture. Empathy, compassion and RESPECT go a long way in any culture, and certainly for the Iraqis.