Edited by Jennifer P. Schneider M.D., Debra Kaplan, M.A, and Mark Laaser, Ph.D.
This book is an anthology by 15 pioneering contributors, who reveal not only their personal motivations for entering the field but the way they have shifted social perspectives on sexual compulsivity and addiction. Empathy is
present in every chapter of the anthology, which reads like conversations with good friends. These contributors understand the devastating effect addiction can have on a life and on a family. This collaborative anthology offers a
personal and historical exploration of the sex addiction and sexual health fields by the clinicians who fought to advance the fields of healthy sexual expression, sex addiction research, addiction recovery and treatment.
Published 2017
by Robert Weiss, LSW and Jennifer P. Schneider, M.D., Ph.D.
Today, all forms of sex addiction are technology driven—from porn websites to webcams to casual sex hook-up apps found on smartphones. Sex addicts organize their lives around the pursuit of sexual activity with self or others. At
the same time, they neglect important relationships, work, and personal responsibilities. Overwhelming feelings of guilt, shame, and remorse invade when the acting out ends. While it's complicated, recovery is possible. Always
Turned On shows readers how to turn those temptations off while providing practical long-term solutions for recovery.
Gentle Path Press, 2014
by Robert Weiss, L.S.W. and Jennifer P. Schneider, M.D., Ph.D.
Today’s generation gap is totally different from previous generation gaps because of digital technology. While baby boomers (now called “digital immigrants”) may be looking to confirm their theory that indeed this younger generation
(so-called “digital natives”) is going “to hell in a handbasket” just like their parents claimed that “sex, drugs, and rock & roll” was ruining them, readers of both generations will make a surprising discovery. Join the authors
on an enlightening exploration of how digital technology and the Internet have changed the way we communicate, relate, work, parent, and mate.
Gentle Path Press, 2013
by Jennifer P. Schneider, M.D., Ph.D. and Ron Corn M.S.W
According to an increasingly popular personality system called the Enneagram, there are nine basic types of people in the world. Each Type sees the world through a different lens, and has different goals, fears, challenges,
priorities, and motivations. Once you know the Type of each member of a couple, you have a very good idea of what are likely to be the strengths and challenges of that pairing, and what issues are most likely to come up again and
again for them.
Published 2013
by M. Deborah Corley Ph.D and Jennifer P. Schneider M.D., Ph.D.
To learn more about this book, read endorsements from professionals in the field. Order directly from Amazon.com. For quantity discounts, or if you are a bookstore, contact Dr. Schneider directly.
Recovery Resources Press, 2012.
by Jennifer P. Schneider M.D. and M. Deborah Corley Ph.D.
To learn more about this book, read endorsements from professionals in the field. Order directly from amazon.com. For quantity discounts or if you are a bookstore, contact Dr. Schneider directly.
Recovery Resources Press, 2012
by Jennifer P. Schneider M.D.
Author Jennifer P. Schneider, MD, broke new ground in "Back from Betrayal" as one of the first to address sex addiction in relationships, as well as the traumatic experiences faced by the partners of men and women who compulsively
lie and cheat. Now in its fourth edition, the book is updated to reflect the latest knowledge regarding infidelity and contains chapters covering the unique challenges of sex addiction in the digital age.
Recovery Resources Press, 2015
by M. Deborah Corley, Jennifer P. Schneider and Richard Irons.
Readers explore their relationship with chemical substance—how they "met," when they became "infatuated"—in becoming more mindful of their recovery needs.
Gentle Path Press, 2003
By Richard Irons M.D. and Jennifer P. Schneider M.D.
Professionals are as human as those they serve. Sexual relationships and other improprieties occur between doctors, ministers, or therapists and their patients, parishioners, or clients. Virtually all such 'romances' are
destructive, not only for the protagonists but for their families. This book helps clinicians understand and treat the professional who has had sexual contact with a patient or client. Over half of these wounded healers have sexual
disorders with addictive features, and fully one-third are addicted to alcohol and/or other drugs. This has clear implications for treatment and re-entry into professional work. Assessment and treatment of the victim are also
addressed, with the assurance that healing does eventually come to most of those touched by this painful and unfortunate situation.
By Jennifer P. Schneider M.D. and Burt Schneider
Couples speak out on sex addiction. This book is based on surveys of many men and women who are putting back their relationship or marriage in the aftermath of sex addiction problems. This classic is now updated and expanded, with
new material on cybersex addiction and on how to best handle disclosure of the compulsive sexual behavior to partner and children.
Recovery Resources Press, 2004
by Jennifer P. Schneider, M.D., Ph.D.
Up-to-date guide on all aspects of coping with pain: How to choose a pain specialist doctor or treatment program; the truth about opioids and why they are underprescribed; how your personality type affects your ability to cope with
chronic pain; the latest non-drug approaches, including massage therapy, acupuncture, brain stimulation, biofeedback, counseling and more.
Healthy Living Books, Hatherleigh Press, 2009